The concept of frequencies and vibrations has important implications for our understanding of the universe. It suggests that the universe is not made up of discrete objects but is rather a continuous field of energy and vibration. Everything is connected and interdependent.
All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space. ~ Nikola Tesla.
In fact, matter consists of empty space and proto particles, and these particles are in motion and vibrate at a certain frequency. Thus, particles, such as quarks, hadrons, leptons, protons, neutrons, electrons, etc. and also atoms and molecules are composed of proto particles.
Because proto particles are in motion and vibrate at a certain frequency, the internal part of matter is motion, vibrations, and oscillations. Therefore, all things in our universe are constantly in motion, vibrating and oscillating. Einstein said, "everything in our universe is vibration." There are many different substances, or types of matter, in the universe, which have different vibrations and melodies which vibrate and interact with each other at different frequencies, thus creating the universe as we know it.
Everything is energy, vibrating and interacting with the energy around it, and this energy has a frequency.
Modern science knows that matter is nothing but an illusion, that everything in the universe is made from energy (physical forces). "Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. ~ Niels Bohr.
Matter has two parts: internal and external. The external part of matter is made of quarks, hadrons, leptons, protons, neutrons, electrons, atoms, molecules, and other subatomic particles. However, all matter is composed of tiny particles proto particles. The internal part of matter is composed of vibrations and motions.
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The universe is like a song
The concept of frequencies and vibrations has important implications for our understanding of the universe and man. It suggests that the universe is not made up of discrete objects, but is rather a continuous field of energy and vibration. Everything is connected and interdependent, with each part of the universe affecting every other part. The hidden messages of the Torah are gematrical vectors of spiritual letter combinations, which are interrelated to a specific frequency of vibrations and oscillations of nature and the universe.
The connection between letters and melodies is mysterious to many. The quantitative evaluations of the internal part (hidden messages) of the Torah are unique information about vibrations, oscillations and frequencies of nature and the universe. This is the music and melodies of nature and the universe.
Hidden messages of the Torah are spiritual ratios, which are interrelated to specific frequencies of vibrations and oscillations of particular objects. The hidden messages of the Torah are melodies of everything that exists. Thus, the internal part of the universe is like a song. Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla were the first to understood that everything is energy, vibrations, and melodies, and that by harnessing this energy and these vibrations we can create anything we desire. Tesla knew that if we want to attract something into our lives, we need to match its frequency. Today, if we uncover the hidden messages of the Torah, we can discover the frequency and melodies of nature, the universe and human beings and we can use such knowledge to develop unique technologies in medicine, free energy, etc.